What’s Your TV Addiction? – Kelsey Browning

What’s Your TV Addiction?

I’m always woeful behind on pop culture, especially TV shows. I like to blame it on the fact that we lived overseas for almost five years, and if we wanted to watch American TV, we had to “sling” it from a box in the US. (Yeah, I don’t know exactly what that means either, which is why I married Tech Guy.)

But watching very little TV for years has one advantage now—I can Netflix seasons upon seasons of old shows! And yep, it’s just as dangerous as it sounds (but you know that because you gobbled up season 4 of Downton Abbey in two night, too, right?? Please tell me I’m not alone!).

Lately, our family is on a House kick. I mean, eight seasons with 20+ shows in each. Netflix heaven. I love House because, damn, he has some great dialogue! Does it make me a bad person that I wish I could get away with saying a few things he spouts out?

Since I only have 6½ seasons of House left to watch, I’ll need a new show soon (don’t judge me). What are some of your favorite oldies but goodies?

Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash

Today is Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day. I kinda call bullshit on that. Not that I don’t like greeting card writers. But how much did you pay for the last greeting card you bought? And how much did you pay for the last book you bought? Um-hm. That’s what I thought. Next time you find yourself reaching for a birthday card, think of sending a book instead. It’s a real gift that the receiver will get hours of pleasure from! So maybe make today Hug A Book Writer Day instead. 🙂

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