Acting Up: Three Texas-isms – Kelsey Browning

Acting Up: Three Texas-isms

One of Tech Guy’s great photos of a Texas man weeding his garden.

It’s Texas vocabulary day, so I wanted to offer up these examples of bad behavior before the holidays. That way you can try ’em out on your kids when you’re making threats that Santa won’t be showing his jolly, red-outfitted self because they’re behaving so horribly.

Hissy fit – A bit of a tantrum, especially among females.

Ex. “You see that gal over there pitchin’ a hissy fit ’cause she didn’t make cheerleader?”

Argue with a fence post – This one applies quite well to Smarty Boy, who always thinks he’s right.

Ex. “Son, you would argue with a fence post.”

Too big for his britches – Means he’s gotten too cocky or arrogant.

Ex. “That Murphy boy done got too big for his britches when he won that steer ropin’ contest.”


This is Better Conversation Week so use a handful of Brain Candy’s Texas-isms and see if you can’t have a better conversation with someone. If no one understands what you’re jaw-flapping about, give me a call and I’ll translate for you. 🙂


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