Red Hot Read: Refuse to Choose! – Kelsey Browning

Red Hot Read: Refuse to Choose!

Title: Refuse to Choose!

Author: Barbara Sher

Genre: Non-fiction, Self-help

Why Refuse to Choose! is a Red Hot Read: I stumbled across this book at my local library and thought it looked interesting. Fast forward a few hours later, and I was sitting on my balcony, halfway through the book, heart beating wildly and mouth hanging open in amazement. I’ve never met Barbara Sher, yet she knows me. In Refuse to Choose! she describes a type of people she calls scanners, folks who simply aren’t made to do one thing, study one topic, pursue one career. I’ve read plenty of self-help books in my life, but this one? It made me realize I’m not a flake for sometimes flitting from project to project. I’m completely normal. For a scanner. If you’re the type of person who has varying interests, finds yourself pulled to do many different things, run—do not walk—to buy this book. I can promise you that once you read it, you’ll be proud of the characteristics that have often made you feel lacking and shameful in the past.

June is Great Outdoors Month so make plans for a little outside time. Maybe camping, picnicking, or simple lying in a hammock. Be sure to slather on the sunscreen, use bug spray and carry a cold, festive beverage!

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