Red Hot Read: Do the Work by Steven Pressfield – Kelsey Browning

Red Hot Read: Do the Work by Steven Pressfield

Book cover from

Title: Do the Work

Author: Steven Pressfield

Genre: Self-help, Creativity

Why Do the Work is a Red Hot Read: Pressfield, also the author of War of Art, is a let’s-cut-the-bullshit kinda guy. He believes writers and other creatives let a lot of that BS get in the way of their creativity and work production. In this book, he discusses the concept of resistance (apparently the real boogie man), but if you want an in depth discussion of resistance, I suggest War of Art. Do the Work establishes a framework for you to take a creative, or other, project from start to finish. If you feel you need a swift kick in the posterior to get back on track with your work, you’d do well to read this short book. It’s under $5.00 on Kindle, and Amazon Prime members can borrow it for free.

Today is National Face Your Fears Day. I find people are afraid of two things in their work: failure and success. You might just be surprised to find out which one is your true monster under the bed. Take a minute to think about it and then see if Steven Pressfield can’t help you move past your fears.

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