Red Hot Read: Borrowed Stilettos – Kelsey Browning

Red Hot Read: Borrowed Stilettos

Title: Borrowed Stilettos 

Author: Rebecca J. Clark

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Why Borrowed Stilettos is a Red Hot Read: In these times of paranormal romance, romantic suspense and urban fantasy, it’s often hard to find just a straight contemporary romance to curl up with. And Rebecca Clark delivers that delightfully with this quick and fun read. It’s a case of mistaken identity between a sister who wants to break up with her fiancé and the sister who agrees to do the breaking-up dirty work. What she finds instead is that she’s falling for the man whose heart she’s supposed to be breaking. This is a perfect Saturday-afternoon-in-the-hammock read!

May is National Get Caught Reading Month, so I hope you’ve taken a few of my Red Hot Reads suggestions to heart and given the books a read. If not, there’s still time to get caught reading today before the month ends!

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