Microwave Popcorn for a Few Cents a Bag – Kelsey Browning

Microwave Popcorn for a Few Cents a Bag

I may be the only person who wasn’t aware of this little tidbit…

I read recently that you can buy a regular (read: cheap) bag of popcorn and still pop the stuff in the microwave. All you need is the popcorn and a small brown paper bag like the ones your mom used to pack your lunch in.

At first read, I wasn’t a believer, but Smarty Boy tried it out last weekend using a leftover Subway bag (yes, the Malibu Subway uses paper, not plastic). He dumped a half cup of standard popcorn in the bag, folded down the top a couple times and set the microwave for three minutes. In about two and a half minutes, we had fluffy, yummy, perfectly popped corn! As he slowly dumped it into a bowl, I sprayed it with cooking spray and sprinkled on salt. Seriously better than standard microwave popcorn and a helluva a lot cheaper!

One tip: use popcorn or other very fine salt for best results. Standard table salt is too heavy to stick to the kernels.

Today is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. If you have some lying around, drop that stuff to the ground and stomp on it like a madman. Stress? What stress? Bubble wrap decimation will cure it for sure!

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