May the Floss Be With You – Kelsey Browning

May the Floss Be With You

Did you realize flossing could significantly increase your life expectancy? Although there’s some debate about this topic on the internet, I tend to be a believer.

It’s estimated that brushing your teeth only cleans about 65% of the gunk out of your mouth. Ugh, right? And when you’re harboring bacteria in your mouth, you have an increased risk for not only gum disease, but heart disease as well. Some studies have shown that bacteria build-up in the mouth may also thicken arteries. Thus, the heart disease risk.

But how significant is this increased life span? In a Google search, I found anywhere from 1.5 to 6+ years. Think about it, a minute a day to gain, at minimum, a year? Now that’s a deal I’ll take!

May is National Strawberry Month. I have to confess my California-purchased strawberries haven’t been all that tasty this year yet, but I’m ever hopeful. What’s your favorite strawberry confection? I think I’d have to go with good old strawberry shortcake!

Oh, today is also Pack Rat Day. What are you hoarding that you should get rid of? Toss it!

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