Live Streaming of the Dead – Kelsey Browning

Live Streaming of the Dead

The home we rent here in California is owned by a couple who is a little older—probably ten to twenty years—than we are. So they’re still incredibly young :-). However, they occasionally receive what I like to call “death mail”: postcards and letters advertising burial plots, funeral services and the like.

Last week, a postcard arrived that I just couldn’t ignore because it advertised “Live Streaming.” Of course, what they mean is live streaming of the funeral/memorial service. But with this line: “Now with Live Streaming loved ones are able to attend the service even if the distance is too great,” I just couldn’t get it out of my head that they plan to Live Stream the dead loved one.

I’m figuring the shock of seeing a dead loved one on the big screen during his/her service is going to be enough to cause a few heart attacks in the audience. Talk about seeding your business. Scare the crap out of the attendees and scoop up your next three live streaming clients. LOL.

This is National Spring Fever Week so get outside and do something a little crazy. Wear a hula skirt in 40-degree weather, walk the dog—backward, plant wildflowers in your least favorite neighbor’s yard.

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