Interview with Contemporary Romance Author Ava Miles – Kelsey Browning

Interview with Contemporary Romance Author Ava Miles

We haven’t had a contemporary romance author interview in a while so I’m uber-excited to be chatting with Ava Miles, author of Nora Roberts Land, about her latest release and what she loves about contemporary romance. Welcome, Ava!

Thanks so much for having me! There was no where to say that below, so am saying it here. You’re the best!

Aw, thanks! Let’s kick this off with the name of your latest release and a one-line description of the book.

AvaMiles_CountryHeaven_200COUNTRY HEAVEN. A down-on-her luck cook uses food’s magical properties to tame a beastly country singer after he hires her under false pretenses to restore his image.

Looove that cover! Could you describe the book’s hero in three words?

Smokin’, Soulful, Big-hearted

Totally sounds like my kinda book boyfriend! What do you love most about writing contemporary romance?

I love the hope it gives all of us, writer and reader. Hope is the breath of life, and we could all use more of it. My characters go through such tremendous transformation, some of it pretty tough and painful. I’m thinking about Rye in COUNTRY HEAVEN, who has to totally transform his view of himself and his profession. He had to heal some serious childhood wounds to get there. The love he feels for Tory gives him hope and helps transform him. To me, hope is the taste of eternal promise. It’s the Holy Grail that keeps us moving forward when we’re confused, overwhelmed, or feel totally out of control. Hope is magic, as a friend recently told me. And to be human, and call in more abundance into our lives, we need to have the courage to hope that it will find us. Few genres do that better than contemporary romance.

What’s the last contemporary romance you read that you loved?

DARK WITCH by my favorite, Nora Roberts. I just was in Ireland not too long ago, so it was fun to be reading about the country, which feels very familiar to me since we’re Irish, and my family is from the Irish capitol of my home state.

Ooh, haven’t gotten to Dark Witch yet. **TBR pile is listing to the right, to the left, to the right…**

Reader question from the Dangerous Darlings (the fab street team I share with Adrienne Giordano, Tracey Devlyn, Nancy Naigle & Tracy March!): Do get emotional when you’re writing a particularly emotional scene?

Yes, I laugh out loud at their antics or tear up or cry when I’m writing an emotional scene. For THE TOWN SQUARE, the fifth book in The Dare Valley series, I cried at the end for all seven drafts. Seven drafts! That has to be a record. If I’m not laughing or crying, then my readers won’t be, and I know I’m not channeling enough emotion into the words. I want my stories to be alive, and being emotional is critical. Without it, it’s just words on a page. Emotion is life, and I love it.

Do you have any extras or sneak peeks available for readers?

There’s a great picture of me and Nora Roberts on my website. Nora gave me permission to use her name in the title and premise of my first novel, NORA ROBERTS LAND, so this photo is a lovely reminder of that connection. So blessed! Check it out.

What’s up next from you?

It’s back to the Dare Valley series in the spring with THE PARK OF SUNSET DREAMS. This is the sixth book in the series, even though they are all stand-alone and are connected to the Dare River series, the one COUNTRY HEAVEN is in. It will feature one of Rhett Butler Blaylock’s poker babes, Jane Wilcox, from THE GRAND OPENING. I asked the question of why a Harvard MBA would sign on for that job and ended up getting a great story. She’s going to fall for Matthew Hale, newly returned to Dare Valley. Then it’s back to The Dare River series with THE CHOCOLATE GARDEN this summer. My plan is to alternate putting out Dare Valley and Dare River books. It’s going to be fun, writing stories in the two regions I’ve lived in, out West and down South.

ava-Book Cover-color-high resAbout Ava:

USA Today Bestselling Author Ava Miles burst onto the contemporary romance scene after receiving Nora Roberts’ blessing for her use of Ms. Roberts’ name in her debut novel, NORA ROBERTS LAND, which kicked off The Dare Valley Series and brought praise from reviewers and readers alike. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.

Country Heaven: A down-on-her luck cook uses food’s magical properties to tame a beastly country singer after he hires her under false pretenses to restore his image.

When famous—and infamous—country singer Rye Crenshaw saunters into the diner where she cooks, Tory Simmons is certain she’s got him pegged. He’s a bad boy who indulges himself in all things, women included. But while she couldn’t care less about country music or arrogant men, Rye makes her an offer she can’t refuse when he asks her to be his private chef on his multi-city concert tour. The job is the answer to all her prayers: it will clear out her debt and finance the fresh start she desperately needs.

Rye is certain his sassy new cook is the last woman who’d ever tempt him, but spending time with the wholesome girl next door will do wonders for his damaged public image, whether she likes being forced into the spotlight or not. Her food also happens to be the best he’s ever eaten, both comforting and seductive. But spending time with Tory on the road shows him a new side to her—one that’s as impossible to resist as her food. And when an emergency in his family whisks him home, he does the one thing he’s never risked: he lets a woman into his heart…

Soon the emotions Rye faked for the tabloids become all too real, but will the country heaven he’s found in Tory’s arms survive in the real world?


Thanks so much to Ava for hanging out with us today. If you have questions for her, drop her a note in the comments!

Today is Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day. Seriously, I’ve never been at a loss for how to celebrate one of these crazy holidays. This one has me stumped. Y’all tell me how you think we should honor this one – LOL.

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