ElectroMagnetaMania – Kelsey Browning


Tech Guy is…well…a tech guy, which means he often fixes the electrical things—from changing lightbulbs to tinkering with appliances—that occasionally go haywire around our house. Two weeks ago, he was away on a business trip and every non-organic item in our house was well aware of it.

While Tech Guy was gone, the washing machine completely quit, the stairwell light (you know, the one ten feet above my head) burnt out, the fuse that works the outlets in my office tripped and the coffee maker began sputtering. Again.

I’m convinced I’m an anti-SLIder. I didn’t know what they were called until I began drafting this post, but apparently SLIders were coined in Sci-Fi literature as people who can turn on street lights just by walking by them. Controversy abounds on whether or not these folks exist, but I know one thing.

I am not one of them.

Apparently, our house was in mourning for Tech Guy and wouldn’t be consoled. That being said, I’ve learned the secret to fixing a sputtering Kuerig coffee machine that I’ll share next week (prepare to be shocked and titillated).

Are you a SLIder or and anti-SLIder?


Today is my dad’s birthday, although he’s no longer here to celebrate it. It’s also National Kahlua Day so I’d like to toast my dad, a man who lived like he shouldn’t, but loved like he should.

Cheers, Daddy.

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